ORSTAT Guarantees a 433% return on your investment.
Based on a hospital with just 5 operating rooms, an average of 50 Turnovers are conducted each week (5 rooms X 2 Turnover/day).
The following calculation is based on a modest 2 minute reduction per Turnover throughout the week.
The national average cost for just one minute of Turnover time is $50.
- A 20 minute reduction each day saves $1,000/day
- $1,000/day savings brings $4,000/week in savings
- $4,000/week in savings equals $20,000/month
- $20,000/month saving equals $240,000/year in savings.
- The cost of ORSTAT is just $750 per Operating Room/per month
- Monthly cost for ORSTAT for 5 Operating Rooms is $3,750
- The yearly cost for ORSTAT for 5 Operating Rooms is $45,000