ORSTAT Guarantees a 433% return on your investment.

Based on a hospital with just 5 operating rooms, an average of 50 Turnovers are conducted each week (5 rooms X 2 Turnover/day).

The following calculation is based on a modest 2 minute reduction per Turnover throughout the week.

The national average cost for just one minute of Turnover time is $50.


  • A 20 minute reduction each day saves $1,000/day
  • $1,000/day savings brings $4,000/week in savings
  • $4,000/week in savings equals $20,000/month
  • $20,000/month saving equals $240,000/year in savings.


  • The cost of ORSTAT is just $750 per Operating Room/per month
  • Monthly cost for ORSTAT for 5 Operating Rooms is $3,750
  • The yearly cost for ORSTAT for 5 Operating Rooms is $45,000

A savings of just 2 minutes per Turnover
throughout the year will return $195,000!

There’s your GUARANTEED 433% ROI!

Plus, ORSTAT is FREE for the first 30 days, and, if you don’t experience this return on your investment,
ALL fees will be returned to you!

To start the process of becoming an ORSTAT Hospital,

Call 1 (844) ORSTAT1

Email: sales@orstat.solutions

Or, fill out the form below

    NurseAnesthesiologistHousekeeperSurgeonAttending SurgeonAdministratorOR Nurse